Im working on a MSI Katana G76 UE laptop that wont turn on anymore after bios flash. I flashed multiple bios versions with a CH341A programmer but its still not working.
When holding the power button for 30 seconds the button will flash en normally the bios would reset. So the bootloader seems...
Bios detects NVME under storage devices.
It simply refuses to boot from ANY NVME drives i tried.
Managed to boot from USB Windows To Go, NVME not detected but in BIOS it is.
Boot Configuration in the bios is grayed out.
Bios update/rolllback does not help.
CMOS battery brand new.
Hello guys. Just replaced a shorted cpu with a new one . The cpu is slightly different ( the original one was SRKH4 . i ve installed SRkH5 version) Cpu runs fine now but no ssd detected... replaced ssd but still nothing. Data lines have a good diode mode reading so the cpu has been soldered...
hi guys i want to fix msi mpg z390 gaming plus motherboard.
so what's i want to say first problem is which this motherbord never launch while using power switch and power botton.
so 12v and 5v 3.3v didn't come from power supply.but 5v stand by volt and 3.75v starts up line volt is appear on...
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