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  1. imhotep

    ASUS Laptop E203MA BIOS boardview

    this is not a bios request. my E203MA BIOS is locked, after 3 times attempt , Laptop Freezes I did backup BIOS then, write another BIN file (with EZP2019+) but this time get worse. Laptop won't turn on, not even charge. then, write back the backup file again. but still the same! Have you...
  2. imhotep

    BIOS Lenovo G570 PIWG2 LA-675AP

    thank you for quick response.
  3. imhotep

    BIOS Lenovo G570 PIWG2 LA-675AP

    i found mysterious things. i tried some bin file from here first time I flashed clearmes.zip .... boot OK next time clearmes3333.zip ... boot OK then next time clearmes.zip again ... NO boot I also found G570 can boot even if BIN file has different ME Region Version. anybody knows why or...