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  1. H

    BIOS Yoga S730-13IML,ideapad S730-13IML

    The file attached now is same file before.Its same no display i assume you picked first which i uploaded same downloaded file by mistake. please edit this file.
  2. H

    BIOS Yoga S730-13IML,ideapad S730-13IML

    is that USD or AUD
  3. H

    BIOS Yoga S730-13IML,ideapad S730-13IML

    sorry this is the file
  4. H

    BIOS Yoga S730-13IML,ideapad S730-13IML

    Hi, i tried the file you provided but turned up with no diplay.Could you please provide other file The old file i had has bios locked but with that laptop turns on and shows display
  5. H

    BIOS Lenovo Yoga S940-14IIL LS40IC MB 18777-1

    Sorry, I didn’t open all the plastic which is covering the board.This is the first board which has more than two chip on board. Anyways found another chip near wifi pcie ic.
  6. H

    BIOS Lenovo Yoga S940-14IIL LS40IC MB 18777-1

    Two chips are of MXIC MX25L8006E and other than is of WINBOND 25Q80DVNIG
  7. H

    BIOS Lenovo Yoga S940-14IIL LS40IC MB 18777-1

    Sorry, I have checked all there chips and all are of 8MB sized
  8. H

    BIOS Lenovo Yoga S940-14IIL LS40IC MB 18777-1

    HI there, i just download this file and found there are three chips on board. could you please help me in breaking down file and also help me with flashing files to each chips as i dont which one goes 1st