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  1. J

    dell 7470 bios need uncomputrace please

    Here is the bios to who need it....i backed it up. IT WORKS!....i flashed it with the bios chip on the motherboard with a CH134a and a clip, used a raspberry pi and flashrom.
  2. J

    dell 7470 bios need uncomputrace please

    thank you!! its working....pw: 8boGw2bizGx5siZ6
  3. J

    dell 7470 bios need uncomputrace please

    ok i was finally able to flash a bin but got password now. i use .this one i'm just trying to get a bios without computrace. please help me find a good dump
  4. J

    dell 7470 bios need uncomputrace please

    I tried, its not working. It say block protection is not disable when i write to spi chip. I searched for the dumps too, cant find a working dump file, can u extract from exe file?
  5. J

    dell 7470 bios need uncomputrace please

    Is the bin file for the e7470 the same? Its a winbond chip. The e7270 is a gigadevice chip....
  6. J

    dell 7470 bios need uncomputrace please

    i'm flashing with my raspberry pi also, it still saying "Error: Image size (16777728 B) doesn't match the flash chip's size (16777216 B)!
  7. J

    dell 7470 bios need uncomputrace please

    i'm getting error when writing to chip, file larger than chip. i'm using a clip. what software you use, i got a CH341A usb to write
  8. J

    dell 7470 bios need uncomputrace please

    hope this is it..
  9. J

    dell 7470 bios need uncomputrace please

    I cant find it, please help me
  10. J

    dell 7470 bios need uncomputrace please

    i dont have any professional repair shop, please help me this the chip i'm reading from....
  11. J

    dell 7470 bios need uncomputrace please

    this is what i got off the chip
  12. J

    dell 7470 bios need uncomputrace please

    i know about computer (not a technician) i have not seen this stuff for the dell, i got the clip that can read it, but i dont see the bios chip on the board either. i bought this dell and it got a computrace on it. i just want to take it off. i can learn, tell me what u need me to do.
  13. J

    dell 7470 bios need uncomputrace please

    no, please show me how
  14. J

    dell 7470 bios need uncomputrace please

    how i do that, please show me
  15. J

    dell 7470 bios need uncomputrace please

    need help uncomputrace bios for Dell Latitude E7470 i5 (AAZ60 LA-C461P Rev. 1.0 (A00) please.