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  1. C

    Dell Latitude E7450 which one is main bios chip

    please repair both bios and send
  2. C

    Dell Latitude E7450 which one is main bios chip

    This is no display but needs to clear me DELL LATTITUDE E 7450 MB-LA-A961P
  3. C

    M900z All-in-One (ThinkCentre)

    Hi Sir, No Display Please clear me.. Model - M900z Touch
  4. C

    BIOS T14 Gen 2 (Type 20W0, 20W1) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20W1 HT4B0/HP4B0/HT5B1/HP5B1/HT 4B2 NM-D352

    the bios has late display please clear this DELL 7470
  5. C

    M900z All-in-One (ThinkCentre)

    Please remove the page group logo and insert LENOVO logo
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    BIOS M920z All-in-One (ThinkCentre)

  7. C

    BIOS M920z All-in-One (ThinkCentre)

    built this please
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    BIOS M920z All-in-One (ThinkCentre)

    this bios has late display please build this
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    BIOS M920z All-in-One (ThinkCentre)

    M920z All-in-One (ThinkCentre) need bios
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    BIOS Lenovo Thinkpad P1 Gen2 - 18809-1

    Hi Sir, No Display please clear me... Model - Lenovo Thinkpad P1 Gen3
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    BIOS Legion 5-15ARH05 (Lenovo) EUCN22WW AMD GY535/GY536 NM-D191 REV: 1.0

    Hi Sir, Auto Restart please clear me...
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    BIOS Lenovo Air 15ITL 202 GS55JGS55K NM-D211 Rev 1.0

    the problem is with the bin file
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    BIOS Lenovo Air 15ITL 202 GS55JGS55K NM-D211 Rev 1.0

    hello thien in the above given bios hdd is not detecting please send me the clear me bin files
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    BIOS ThinkBook 14s Yoga ITL - Type 20WE LA-K051P

    Think Book 14 G2 NO DISPLAY ONECE MB -LA-K051P clear me plz
  15. C

    BIOS ThinkBook 15-IIL - DALVACMB8D0 - LVC - LVAC

    the program which u have sent now after programming it the device is no power
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    BIOS ThinkBook 15-IIL - DALVACMB8D0 - LVC - LVAC

    Hi Sir, Slow Booting Please clear me.. Model - Thinkbook 14-ILL - DALVACMB8D0 REV D
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    BIOS ThinkBook 15-IIL - DALVACMB8D0 - LVC - LVAC

    Hi sir, used new bios even hdd is not detecting model - Lenovo V15 IIL please clear
  18. C

    BIOS Lenoovo ideapad 330S-15IKB Model81JN BIOS+EC

    clear me fix no display need clear me bios