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Search results for query: PLF/PLR/CSF/CSR UMA

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  1. ThienBui

    Toshiba Toshiba Satellite C850-B3K (PLF/PLR/CSF/CSR DSC MB rev:2.1)

    can not error BIOS, try check hardware...
  2. ThienBui

    Toshiba Satellite C850 PLF/PLR/CSF/CSR UMA MB Rev: 2.1

    This is the hardware you need to check it out for yourself
  3. O

    Toshiba Satellite C850 PLF/PLR/CSF/CSR UMA MB Rev: 2.1

    Hi guys, i have a Toshiba C850-1HL with Mainboard PLF/PLR/CSF/CSR UMA MB REV 2.1 that wont charge ! IC charge is a BQ25A, IC get all voltage but fail to ouput HIDRV voltage of 19V to Battery charge high mofset, mofset´s gate get only 5.5V so it not charging Battery. i replace the BQ25A without...
  4. b4tech

    Toshiba Satellite C850 PLF/PLR/CSF/CSR UMA MB Rev: 2.1

    ...isn't working. My display is okay, after that what I can do? Note: My old bios has been locked and display is working at that time. Model: Toshiba Satellite C850-B292 (PLF/PLR/CSF/CSR UMA MB REV 2.1 Check my old bios that attached, please Or provide me an alternative one please :heart_eyes:
  5. Luís Amaral

    Toshiba Satellite C850 PLF/PLR/CSF/CSR UMA MB Rev: 2.1

    is there any thread were there is not LOTS OF MESS ? common ..we seek for a dam DSC bios , only see a bunch messy bios all over the place ... can you organize a bit your site ? its terrible sometimes :( .. why not making a thread DSC version X X X X ..- UMA version X X X X .. each person who ask...
  6. ThienBui

    Toshiba Satellite C850 PLF/PLR/CSF/CSR UMA MB Rev: 2.1

    give i one photo display show password.