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PE Explorer is the most feature-packed program for inspecting the inner workings of your own software, and more importantly, third party Windows applications and libraries for which you do not have source code. Once you have selected the file you wish to examine, PE Explorer will analyze the file and display a summary of the PE header information, and all of the resources contained in the PE file. From here, the tool allows you to explore the specific elements within an executable file.

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Besides being an effective Resource Editor, PE Explorer also provides several tools that elevate it to Power Coder status: an API Function Syntax Lookup, Dependency Scanner, Section Editor, and a powerful yet easy-to-use Disassembler for generating annotated code dumps. With PE Explorer you can view, examine and edit EXE and DLL files, or correct and repair the internal structures of any PE (portable executable) files with the click of a button.

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PE Explorer v1.99
PE File Explorer. Resource Editor. Disassembler.
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