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,Gateway GWTN156-11BK
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Gateway GWTN156-11BK.BIN.zip
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4.6 MB · Views: 184
original bios lock passwordreturn and send photo display lock I check
repair" data-source="post: 373723" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">have Motherboard code ?original bios lock password
S140GBhave Motherboard code ?
it is bios you providedbios no display sir
bios not boot power sirit is bios you provided
so need buy patch 18$bios not boot power sir
services" data-source="post: 394747" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">AMD pls try one BIOS new and check AMD chipCan I help me with the bios GWTN156-4B plase, i have the old bios but i think that is not working, and i need too the mainboard EM_AP525_ENE_V1.0
Are you sure the BIOS you provided is correct, because with your information I searched and only found BIOS for Intel platforms?What other type of bios can i try?
romar" data-source="post: 398305" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">Hello, this GWTN156-1BK computer shows the logo and restarts constantly and when it starts it does not enter the operating system, I have already tried it with three different disks, could you check this bios for me and clean it if it has anything strange?
Gateway GWTN156-11BL EM_G3818_200B_ENE_V1.1 25Q64 1.8V.BIN.zipGWTN156-5BL ined bios plz