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BIOS Dell Latitude 5400, 5500 and Precision 3540 System BIOS EDC41 LA-G891P

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Dell Latitude 5400, 5500 and Precision 3540 System BIOS 8th
EDC41 LA-G891P
Schematics LA-G891P nb14uu_non ar_privacy_190225
boardview Dell Latitude 5500 - EDC41 LA-G891P Boardview (.CAD).cad
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The machine is still have password lock and computrace active.
Do you have a way where you can provide me with password to unlock the lock only? Thanks.
There it is.
I've tried close to 40 modified files and non of them worked.
The only thing that actually worked was a file from the Latitude 7400 model. Password was gone and Computrace is OFF,
But then i couldn't modify the 7400 BIOS to match this machine....:fou: (fou):fou: (fou)

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Dell 5400 Locked.jpg Dell 5400 Locked Admin Password.jpg
I'll program the last file you provided me, and I'll read the chip after I'm done programming, then I'll do comparison for both files. One you give me and the chip after programming. Good?